SafeSense TempIQ Quickstart Guide


Welcome to TempIQ

Wifi Based Temperature & Humidity Sensors

Quickstart Guide

Access this quickstart guide anytime, from the troubleshooting section of the app

SafeSense Dashboard

Here you can see all your locations and all the sensors in those locations for a quick overview.

TempIQ Wifi Syncing

TempIQ will access the internet at set intervals and update your app with the latest data.

Sensor Detail Page

Here you can not only view the current temperature & humidity but also an historical chart of all the history, easily filtered over set time intervals.

TempIQ Status

All the very latest status date is available on the detail page. This include last reading, next reading, battery life and latest environmental stats.

TempIQ Settings

Clicking on the settings button or icon in the top right, will allow you to adjust all the sensor information. This includes name, location, acquisition rates and cloud syncing.